Human Hotel: Copenhagen: call for artists in residence

Deadline: 16 December.

Human Hotel is an experimental residency program for artists with a critical interest in the interactions between humans and the spaces they occupy. In partnership with the city of Copenhagen (Denmark), Human Hotel is now calling for proposals from artists concerned with collaborative and participatory practices.

Throughout 2013, the Human Hotel residency program will take place in the private homes of local Copenhagen families who have committed to have an artist living and working with them for a time.

The duration of your residency is completely up to you – the applicant – to decide in your proposal. You will be staying with each host family for approximately 5 days and will then move on to another host until the end of your residency (no minimum or maximum length required).

A total of 7 artists will be selected for Human Hotel’s inaugural artist-in-residency program in 2013. Each artist will be selected based on the quality of his or her proposal. Your proposal must utilize the unique setting of the Human Hotel to explore its social architecture and to create a new site-specific work (not necessarily a physical work).

Selected artists will receive an honorarium of USD 1,000, as well as travel and production funding for their individual project.

Human Hotel is founded by Wooloo to explore the potential of the private home as part of public life. The mission of the program is to support and encourage artistic experiments that challenges the way we inhabit and share spaces.

Find all the details online:

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