cieLaroque/helene weinzierl: male/female dancer

Audition May 3rd
Salzburg, ARGEkultur, Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Str. 5
tanz_house studio, 11 am – 5 pm

cieLaroque/helene weinzierl is looking for a male/female dancer with stage experiences and professional
education in contemporary dance for their 2014 production PLAYTIME.

Research, rehearsals and showings will take place in Austria (Salzburg, Millstatt, Obewart) on the following dates:
August, 1st – 31st
one week in september and in october before premiere
The premiere will take place in ARGEkultur Salzburg, October 7th – 9th, 2014
The dancer is expected to be available for touring in the following year(s).

Please send CV and photo by Sunday, 27th April to:
Title the files with Name_Firstname.pdf. Please send files that exceed 2MB via a file sharing service (such as wetransfer).

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