BADco Symposium

BADco. extends an *open call for contributions* for *Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion*

When and where:
March 21-23, 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia

This symposium and its topic are a continuation of BADco.’s artisticinterest to relate performance and time. Our research is a critical reflection on different structures of time – both in the context of capitalist economic production, in the work with technologies on-stage and in the work of dance as an old technology – aimed at examining
practices of not being at the height of time, intentional falling out of step with the fast-paced development and flexibility required by today’s creative economy, creating forms of broken and re-purposed
functioning of the performance.

The symposium is a part of our participation in the project “TIMeSCAPES – Images and performance of time in late capitalism.” TIMeSCAPES is a long-term artistic research and production platform
initiated by five cultural organizations: BADco. (HR), Maska (SI), Walking Theory (RS), Science Communications Research (A) and Film-protufilm (HR). Thus, it brings together four organizations, whose internationally renowned artistic and cultural practice is rooted in research, publishing and discourse, with one science-oriented organization developing methodologies of artistic research. The double objective is to conduct research and artistically reflect the transverse issue of time that cuts across economy, society
and art: structure of working time in different economic contexts, temporal experience in technologies, performative dramaturgies of time, etc.; while at the same time tackling the issue that has acute resonance in cultural and academic contexts across Europe: what should the models and institutions of artistic research be, given the constraints of time, money and mobility that artists face.

Who can apply: If you are a scholar or practitioner working on the nexus of performance, media and technology, if you are working in or between any number of fields such as, but not exclusively: performing arts, visual arts, cinema and expanded cinema, human-machine interaction, technological performance, architecture, neuroscience, we are inviting you to present your research interests in form of a presentation and/or participate in the debates at our symposium
“Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion”.

When and where: The symposium will take place on 21-23 March 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The artistic program will take place in parallel with the symposium.

What is the topic: “Broken Performances: Time and (In)Completion” is a proposal to examine modalities of convergence between the temporal structures in contemporary society, imagery of time and the production of forms of life. The symposium will bring together a number of scholars and artists to share their thoughts on how to critically address the ways the time conditions labor, affect and values, and how this then gets reflected in performance and media. The introduction of new forms of work and working time organization, as well as changes in the content and the nature of work, lead to a corresponding search for a balance among the various forms of social time. “Time-scarcity” therefore becomes a relevant topic not only from a social or biological perspective, but also as a dramaturgical and performative problem. Having developed in the 20th century in connection with the principles of Fordism (endless motion, speed, oscillation between order and chaos, the regulated and the coincidental), the development of contemporary performance, especially dance over the last two decades has reflected the deep changes brought about by post-Fordian modes of labor (cognitive and affective virtuosity, multi-layered temporality, proximity, collaboration processes, openness of work, etc.). In this sense, different choreographic practices should not be understood only as aesthetic practices, but also as wider social processes of distributing bodies in time and space. Simultaneously, the pervasive erosion of differences between film, television, and computers, and collapsing differences between linked temporal experiences in technologies of work, travel, communication, and vision result in new ideologies of speed and compression, which opens new possibilities to rethink elaborative slowness and strategies of
recapitulation in performance.

The themes we’d like to open are:
Image, completion and transformation
Aura of time and temporal disruption
Delay and temporal normativity
Despotism of time and production of negativity
Time, clock and information gathering
Technologies and incompleteness
Performance of broken tools
Magic and (in)completeness
Temporality of image
“Untimely” modes of existence, etc.

The symposium and attendant artistic program will include a.o., contributions by artists and scholars such as Sean Cubitt, Benjamin Noys, Franck Leibovici, Saska Rakef, BADco. etc.

How to apply and when is the deadline: We are looking for contributions of various formats, including but not limited to papers, short presentations, demonstrations and participation in the debate, up to 20 minutes in length. If you want to participate in the symposium, please send us a short note stating your topical interests, discussion points, format, etc. and a short description of your background. While we cannot cover your expenses, we can help you find
a convenient travel arrangement and affordable accommodation, and we will do our best to address your interests and provide an insightful debate.

All proposals should be sent in by 10 February 2013 to:
You’ll be notified of our decision shortly thereafter.

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