Archiv für die 'Möglichkeiten' Kategorie

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Metamorphoses: Call for 3 choreographic artists

Deadline: 10 January 2013

The partners of the project Metamorphoses are looking for 3 choreographic artists who will be asked to question and propose interpretations on the theme of metamorphosis of the spiritual and religious power, the labor and political power by taking into account the metaphorical or/and the spatial and architectural dimension as part of their artistic project.

Applicants must be available 6 weeks in total for the three residencies, between September 2013 and March 2014.

Applicants will establish residency for 2 weeks in each partner venue: Les Brigittines, Brussels (BE) – Centrum Kultury Zamek, Poznan (PL) – La Briqueterie/CDC du Val de Marne, Vitry sur Seine (FR)

Applicants must be available to tour in the three venues (2 performances in each) during a one week Focus specifically dedicated to the project with all other selected artists and activities of project.

Co-production fee for the 3 residencies of the project: 24 000 € (8 000 € for each) to which should be added travel expenses (except local transports), per-diems and accommodation.

Artistic fee /per location/2 performances: 6 000 € (18 000 € in total/3 locations) to which should be added travel expenses, per-diems and accommodation.

Number of maximum people: 6 persons including choreographer and technician

The technical requirements of the performance should be adaptable to the 3 venues (technical description of the venues upon request)

Any other financial contribution to the project that the company can apply for is welcomed.

Find all the details online:…

With the project Metamorphoses (2012-2014) supported by European Commission in the framework of the Culture program, La Briqueterie/Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val de Marne (France), Les Brigittines (Belgium) and the Centrum Kultury Zamek (Poland), join forces and associate themselves with choreographers, dancers, visual and urban artists in order to question the rehabilitation of their buildings into venues strongly committed to choreography and movement. All three spaces carry a particular memory, traces and imprints of history that are still there, visible and palpable.

The project Metamorphoses will be realised between October 2012 and October 2014 and is organised around transnational artistic productions on the theme of metamorphosis of the spiritual and religious power, the labor and political power.

Find out more about the project.

Human Hotel: Copenhagen: call for artists in residence

Deadline: 16 December.

Human Hotel is an experimental residency program for artists with a critical interest in the interactions between humans and the spaces they occupy. In partnership with the city of Copenhagen (Denmark), Human Hotel is now calling for proposals from artists concerned with collaborative and participatory practices.

Throughout 2013, the Human Hotel residency program will take place in the private homes of local Copenhagen families who have committed to have an artist living and working with them for a time.

The duration of your residency is completely up to you – the applicant – to decide in your proposal. You will be staying with each host family for approximately 5 days and will then move on to another host until the end of your residency (no minimum or maximum length required).

A total of 7 artists will be selected for Human Hotel’s inaugural artist-in-residency program in 2013. Each artist will be selected based on the quality of his or her proposal. Your proposal must utilize the unique setting of the Human Hotel to explore its social architecture and to create a new site-specific work (not necessarily a physical work).

Selected artists will receive an honorarium of USD 1,000, as well as travel and production funding for their individual project.

Human Hotel is founded by Wooloo to explore the potential of the private home as part of public life. The mission of the program is to support and encourage artistic experiments that challenges the way we inhabit and share spaces.

Find all the details online:

SPAZIO, a European network for dance creation – open call

Deadline: 15 January

SPAZIO is a European formation and creation program for young dance makers, which focuses on the relation between dance and other art disciplines as a way to question, reflect upon and strengthen the discipline of dance. Each year six young choreographers will be selected to take part in the one year programme of five residencies. The participants will get an overview of different themes of the dance creative process, will be challenged to question themselves as makers and will experience what different interdisciplinary themes and elements can mean to them.

SPAZIO participants are taught by professional European choreographers and artists from different disciplines. They follow workshops, lectures, discussions, are coached in creative processes and are challenged to create new work based on these experiences. At the same time the project opens up its network of artists and art works to the local communities of the partner cities, through open workshops, lectures, discussions and presentations, inviting the community to enter into a dialogue with all European artists and young makers involved.

There is no inscription fee for SPAZIO. All activities, travel, accommodation and Per Diems at all residencies are provided by the organization.

SPAZIO participants don’t receive any fee for taking part in the programme.

SPAZIO is a collaboration project between the following European institutes: the International Choreographic Arts Centre (ICK) – Amsterdam, the Netherlands; CSC DanceHouse – Bassano del Grappa, Italy; Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance – Zagreb, Croatia; Art Stations Foundation – Poznan, Poland. SPAZIO is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union.

Find all the details online:

Josep Caballero Garcia: Audition Tänzer

Josep Caballero García, currently choreographer in residence at K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg, is looking for a male dancer for his new production.

The project will examine female roles/parts in German dance history from the perspective of seasoned male dancers and their memories. Physicality of choreography regardless of gender attributions and the term re-construction will be questioned. The format will be in between a dance performance and a sound/video installation.

Rehearsals of 8 weeks start beginning of February 2013. Premiere (three performances in total) will be end of March at K3.

• 30 to 50 years old
• Several years of experience in theatre companies with ballet, contemporary and/or “Tanztheater” repertory.
• Improvisation skills

Please send us your application with CV, photo and video link with work samples until November 26th via email to:

We will invite individually for audition in the middle of December. Travel costs to get to the audition are not covered.

International symposium on Theatre for Young Audiences

International symposium on concepts, contexts and methods of research in Theatre for Young Audiences

The University of Hildesheim in cooperation with ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network of Assitej International, and the national ASSITEJ of Germany is calling for proposals for “ART MEETS RESEARCH” International symposium on concepts, contexts and methods of research in TYA, on April 22nd, 2013. Dr. Geesche Wartemann, Professor for theatre for young audiences, will welcome all participants at the University of Hildesheim one day before “Augenblick Mal!” opening in Berlin.

The symposium will take place over the course of one day, and consist of one keynote, plenary sessions, seminars and a future lab. Seminar proposals should focus on the theme of the conference, “ART MEETS RESEARCH International conference on concepts, contexts and methods of research in Theatre for Young Audiences,” and address scholarly as well as artistic types of research in the field of TYA. For example, proposals may ask questions on relations between theory and artistic practice, such as how can theories on art, and especially on theatre, develop artistic practice? How do experiences in artistic production processes ( productions, playwriting) change scholarly reflections? What kinds of knowledge do we get from artistic experience and scholarly reflections? How can practitioners and scholars cooperate? When does artistic practice become research? They may inquire about theatre for young audiences’ study programmes: How much theory do/should we teach? And which ones? Should experimental theatre practices be part of a programme? How do we gain students’ interest in researching the field of TYA? Proposals may address how different types of research in the field of TYA further reflections on a culture’s concept of child and childhood.

Proposals could also reflect on any special needs and/ or challenges for research in the field of TYA.

Researchers who want to participate in the seminars should submit a 500 word proposals and sample bibliography by email in MSWord.doc. Proposals should include name, affiliation, and email address in the upper left corner. Proposals will be peer reviewed by members of the University of Hildesheim and the ITYARN board December 2012. Notifications will go out January 2013.

Participants of the symposium “ART MEETS RESEARCH” have the chance to travel to”Augenblick mal!”, the German Festival of Theatre for Children and Young People, on April 23 – April 28, 2013. The public festival, accompanied by professional exchanges, has become the most important gathering of the country’s theatre for young audiences. It is two hours travel by train from Hildesheim to Berlin.

Looking forward to having an inspiring exchange with academic researchers and researching artists!

Prof. Dr. Geesche Wartemann,
University of Hildesheim,
Board, International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN)
Prof. Dr. Manon van de Water,
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Chair, International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN)
Prof, Dr. Wolfgang Schneider,
University of Hildesheim,
Chair, ASSITEJ Germany, Honorary President ASSITEJ International
ITYARN & University of Hildesheim: Call for papers “Art meets research”

Please email proposals by December 1st, 2012 to

Dancing on the Edge Festival 2013: Call

Call for theater, dance and multimedia pieces

“Inspiring middle eastern arts & culture”

Deadline: 1. Dezember 2012

Infos unter:

Artist in Residency: Beppu (Japan)

Artist in Residency: Beppu (Japan)

NPO Beppu Project
Zwischen 21. Januar und 24. März 2013 (mindestens 31 Tage)
Deadline: 23. November 2012

Mehr Infos unter:…

Gym Hall Guerilla (Arbeitstitel)

Eine dynamisch – sportivesite specific Performance für ein junges Publikum
„Casting“ 8. November 2012, 11:00 Wien, genauer Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben!

Gesucht wird 1 Performer/-in ab 20 Jahren, die Freude am Improvisieren mit Tanz, Schauspiel und Livemusik hat, und Lust hat für ein junges Publikum zu spielen. Es wird aber nicht erwartet, dass jede/r der DarstellerInnen alle 3 Dispziplinen beherrscht. Wichtig ist weniger Virtuosität als Authentizität.
Das Casting wird daher auch in Form eines Workshops mit dem Regisseur Johan De Smet, Leiter der Kopergietery in Gent, stattfinden, da uns auch wichtig ist, dass man auf jeden Fall zumindest neue Impulse mitnehmen kann.
Es wäre schön, wenn sich beim „Casting“ jede/r in ca. 3 min in theatraler Form selbst vorstellen würde, mit welchen Mitteln, ob mit einer Choreografie, Sprache, Musik, Projektion etc, ist jedem selbst überlassen.

Insgesamt werden es 3 DarstellerInnen sein, fest stehen bereits:
Arend Pinoy, Gent (Tänzer, Choreograph und Schauspieler, neben Soloarbeiten Performances mit les ballets C de la B, Miet Warlop, Mathilde Monnier, stillnotfoundyet, het KIP…), Maria Ibarretxe, Bilbao (Performerin, Experimentalfilmerin, Tanzperformances u.a. mit Koen De Preter).

Über „Gym Hall Guerilla“
Die site specific performance mit Tanz, Schauspiel und Livemusik, wird direkt im Turnsaal spielen und anfangs vorgeben, eine echte Turnstunde zu sein, in der an diesem Tag eine Sublierlehrkraft unterrichtet. Die genaue Handlung wird gemeinsam im Probenprozess entwickelt.
Grundthemen: Leistung, Höher-Schneller-Weiter, Macht und Kraft, Körperlichkeit, Machtgefüge und Gruppendynamik, Revolte, Beschlagnahmung des Raumes, occupy.

Probe- und Spieldaten
Geprobt wird in Blöcken in Wien und Gent

Block 1: 15. – 27. Jänner 2013 Wien (A)
Block 2: wird noch festgelegt, 1 – 2 Wochen zwischen Februar und Juli
Block 3: 26. August – 27. September Gent (B)
Premiere Belgien: 27. September 2013
Performing in B: 27. Sept – ca. 7. Okt
Premiere in A: ca. 10. Oktober 2013
Performing in A: 11. Okt – 31. Okt
Performing in B: November

Über Trip the Light Fantastic
„Trip the Light Fantastic“ ist ein neu gegründeter Verein von JohannaFigl (ehm. Künstlerische Leitung SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE) und Julia M. Tauber (Produktionsleitung, u.a. ehm. CCL, Schäxpir Festival, Dschungel Wien). „Trip the Light Fantastic“ ist eine Initiative die wertvolle Impulse und Unterstützung in die heimische Tanz- und Performanceszene geben will, ganz besonders jenen, die für ein junges Publikum arbeiten möchten.

Durch gratis Probemöglichkeiten für unsubventionierte KünstlerInnen, dramaturgische Beratung, Beratung im Produktionsprozess, regelmäßigen Masterclasses mit internat. KünstlerInnen, Dialog- und Vernetzungsverantaltungen möchte Trip the Light Fantastic Impulse geben, den Austausch national und international forcieren,
KünstlerInnen in ihrem Arbeitsprozess unterstützen und dazu motivieren, die gleichen künstlerischen Maßstäbe für ein junges Publikum anzulegen, wie für ein erwachsenes Publikum.

1 -2 mal / Jahr gibt es eine internationale Koproduktion, die erste Zusammenarbeit wird mit der renommierten Kopergietery in Gent (B) sein.

Anmeldungen mit kurzem CV bei
Johanna Figl
0699-150 90 751

Tanzperformance: TänzerInnen gesucht

Tänzer und Tänzerinnen für eine Tanzperformance gesucht.
Wir suchen Tänzer mit starken Ausdruck und gutem schauspielerischem Können für eine Tanzaufführung in Wien (zentral) zum Thema Winter und Kälte im November.

Casting und Termine werden bekanntgegeben.
Sie erhalten eine branchenübliche Bezahlung.

Bewerbungen bitte an Herrn Georgeman unter

Koproduktion von Trip the Light Fantastic & Kopergietery: PerformerIn
Casting: 8.11.2012, Wien

flowmotion dance company: zeitgenössische TänzerInnen gesucht

Flowmotion dance company sucht zeitgenössische Tänzer/Innen für diverse Produktionen. Auditions finden in Wien und Berlin statt.

Lebenslauf, Foto und etwaige Fragen bitte an